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Ketelair Indonesia_ Teks Penjelasan (Expanation Text) merupakan teks yang menceritakan suatu fenomena. Berikut adalah penjelasan detailnya:

A. Definition of Explanation Text
A text that contains the processes associated with natural phenomenon, science, social, culture etc. (Sebuah teks yang berisi tentang suatu kejadian dimana didalamnya ada proses yang berhubungan dengan banyak hal seperti kejadian alam, ilmu pengetahuan, sosial, budaya, dan lainnya).

B. Social Function
To explain the processes that occur in the formation or activities related to with natural phenomenon, science, social, culture, and others. (Untuk menerangkan proses-proses yang terjadi dalam pembentukan atau kegiatan yang terkait kejadian alam, ilmu pengetahuan, sosial, budaya, dan lain-lainnya)

C. Generic Structure

1. A general statement
It is a general statement about the issue which will be explained to the all readers. (Merupakan pernyataan umum tentang pokok persoalan yang akan dijelaskan kepada semua pembaca)

2. A sequenced of explanation
Starting a series of steps about why and how something occurs. (Memulai serangkaian langkah tentang mengapa juga bagaimana sesuatu itu terjadi)

The example of Explanation Text

Maulidur Rasul Muhammad S.A.W (Maulid Nabi Muhammad S.A.W)

A General Statement :
Do you happen to know what is it Maulidur Rasul? Maulidur Rasul is a day where people of Islam celebrate the birt of the prophet Muhammad S.A.W. It celebrates once in a year based on the Islamic calendar exactly on Robi’ul Awal 12th. The date becomes the priority of the celebration but most of people still have chance within a month to celebrate it in each of their house by inviting people to come and recite praise for the prophet through sholawat and dzikir together.

Sequenced of Explanation :
The celebration of Maulidur Rosul in my village is not complicated perhaps it has similarities between my village and other villages or even cities. It celebrates in mosque and local community gathers there especially for the males while females, they usually bring some kinds of fruits to be served to all the participants.

It starts after praying Shubuh at about 4.30 o’clock. People take part by doing their duties; the readers recite the praise together with the participants and the hitters of tambourines hit them based on the rhythm. They do collaboration each other so everyone is able to enjoy the strains of music and so do the sound.

The celebration ends at about 6.00 o’clock. Most of children are happy because they are able to eat foods, get money, and bring many kinds of fruits. Those events are nice days for them. Finally, the event will be able to be an education and knowledge in learning about Islam deeper by cheating the attitude of our prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

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